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Band Camp Happenings

July 2, 2006:

Canada Day Rocks with the Daze!

Well I have to say we all had an absolute blast rocking Melvins this past weekend! The Crowd was the best - you guys were amazing. It seems the 'Canada Day' spirit was in full swing with an awesome performance by both band and crowd of our national anthem.......

A very special thanks goes out to Kenny (our tour manager) and the gang for coming out to show their support - we appreciate the praise! Check out the updated pics on our visual page.


June 23, 2006:

The Stomp!

Just a quick not to let everyone know that the Daze Gang is scheduled to rock the 17th Annual Grand Bay Stomp in August! Check out the shows page for information regarding dates and times. Hope to see everyone there!!!!

Also, wanted to get the word out that the forum has been tweaked recently and we would love to have all our friends drop us a line.....


June 5, 2006:

Fantastic Weekend!

Well.....what can be said? Better yet......where do I start?!?!??!

I suppose the first place to begin our story is with the captivating, totally amazing and downright super fantastic Dave Smith!!! For his sophmore outting with 7 Daze, his playing was, in a nutshell, amazing. He managed to hold the low end together on Friday night's show even through the rough points - our hat goes off to you, man!

Although we all seemed to have an 'off night' on Friday, Saturday night however put us back in the groove. We couldn't have hoped for more.....the crowd was awesome, the drinks were flowing and everyone just seemed to be having a good time. And just when you thought it was all over (after a blistering version of 'Home Sweet Home'), the party continued with an acoustic jam at an after hours party with the band and a few close friends.

A good time had by all........another typical 7 Daze evening!!!!!!


May 7th, 2006:

More News is Good News!!!

We all had a great time rockin' the Melvin's Bar again this weekend. The turnout was fantastic and the weather was perfect for partying!

Saturday night featured a very enthusiastic large crowd that couldn't seem to get enough of the 'Daze'.....three encores later, it didn't seem like the night was ever going to end! A good time was had by all though and we look forward to playing again.

Also, the news keeps coming......The whole gang would like to give a big thanks to all the help that Brian has provided over the past couple of months for us filling the bass position. We can't begin to describe the talent and dedication that he has provided to the band and having him around has definately been a pleasure to us all. We wish him well in all his future activities. That being said - we would like to introduce the newest addition to the 7 Daze camp, Mr. Dave Smith, previously with the band Penalty Box. After a number of auditions and discussions, it was decided that he was the right man for the job. We will be busy throughout the month of May working with Dave to get the band ready to kick some serious ass starting in June. Keep your eye on the shows page for future bookings.........


April 23rd, 2006:

Here we are again!!!

Another fine weekend at the 'Daze' camp! The people were out shakin' and dancing the night away Friday and Saturday. Friday night got a bit carried away - and I have to say I feel partially responsible! Way too many drinks and not near enough sleep - welcome to my life! HAHAHA However, it was good clean fun and when the smoke cleared we were all fast asleep and 6am came WAY too fast!!!!

Then there was Saturday night, ah yes, Saturday night. A great turnout from an overly enthusiastic crowd. A great big thanks has to go out to Gord the soundman for fighting at the soundboard all evening. If it wasn't amps blowing up or monitors crappin' out, it was my mistakes on the pedalboard sending the into to 'Pride' SCREAMING through the PA (sorry gord - I'm sure your hearing will come back eventually!). A big high five goes out to Stephanie and her friends for the dances and conversation (it's still amazing that you actually got ME up dancing!!!). Hope to see everyone out again for the next 7 Daze circus.................


April 16th, 2006:

Happy Easter Everyone!

It turned out to be a really great weekend! Although we faught through rainy weather, technical mishaps and other minor screwups (of which there were many!!!), we managed to rock the hell out of both Jake's and Melvin's. Thanks goes out to everyone for coming out to support the band for this long weekend. As usual, a BIG thanks goes out to Brian for (again!) filling the bass playing position and getting us through yet another gig! We hope to see everyone out again next weekend!!!!! Check out our shows page for further information!


April 2nd, 2006:

Another Good One!

It seems everyone was in the mood to party last night! A good time was had by all at the Back Door Bar where we took the stage and kicked some serious ass. Honourable mention goes out to Brian for his outstanding performance on the bass - a phenominal job considering being 'fed to the wolves' after only ONE practice with us!! Looks like he's going to be hanging around for the next few shows pending a full time replacement being chosen for the low end position...... Thanks a heap, Brian!!!

March 26th, 2006:

Unfortunate News.....

Due to a number of personal reasons, the decision was made to part ways with bass player Tim Frigault. Tim has been a driving force in our sound and image for quite some time. We wish him all the best and hope to maintain a favourable relationship personally in the future.

For anyone interested in discussing filling the bass playing roll within the 7 Daze camp, please send a request along with relevant experience to terryr@nbnet.nb.ca !!

  - Terry
March 26th, 2006:

Great Weekend!

This past weekend's show at the Hideaway was a great success. Everyone had a good time and the crowd was absolutely phenominal on Saturday night! Special thanks goes out to Pete for being on hand to take all the cool pictures (which we will be posting here shortly). Also, we want to thank everyone in attendance for making it a true rock concert!!!!

  - Terry
March 5th, 2006:

Another Great Weekend!

Well it was another great weekend at Melvin's Bar this weekend. The crowd was phenominal and everyone was rockin' out and having a good time! Our hats off to all the great ladies that danced it up on the dance floor all night long - it's definately the type of thing we want to see when we are rocking the night away...... We hope to see everyone out again to our next show - check out our shows page for more info.

  - Terry
February 4th, 2006:

Check out the Shows!!!!!

Things are definately heating up! It's gearing up to be a busy summer for us here in the 'Daze Gang'......check out out shows section for our latest "Tour" schedule. We want to see everyone come out and rock and roll along with us...........

  - Terry
November 20th, 2005:

A Few New Things!

Keep your eyes open for updates to our webite over the next couple of days.We want to thank the band Sidekick for the announcements regarding our upcoming shows at the Hideaway next month. Also, just wanted to let them know they put on an awesome performance during the show this last Friday night. The crowd definately loved it!

  - Terry
December 19th, 2005:

Happy Holidays from the Daze Gang!

Firstly, we would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every person for making the last shows at the Hideaway such a success! We were personally amazed at the sensational turnout on Saturday - it was one for the books. Also, we would like to with a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to all our friends. Keep your eyes open for us in 2006 - it's gonna be a wild ride!!!!!!......

  - Terry